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I can hardly believe that the last full week of the year has just finished. It seems no time at all since we were starting on our journey through P5 together.
This week one of our particular highlights was our outdoor challenge treat on Wednesday. The focus of all of the activities was on teamwork and co-operation, and the children rose to the challenges so well. Their faces and their enthusiasm showed how much they were enjoying the different activities. Some photos have been posted on Seesaw  so that you can see what they were doing. It was a well deserved treat after their success in achieveing their John Muir Discovery Award.
In numeracy this week we have been looking at different life skills relating to money. The children have been learning about the difference between credit and debit, and they have been learning about budgeting. So far, they have shown a good understanding of how to budget - so next time they ask for something you can tell them that your budget does/does not allow for it!
In literacy the children learned all about the theft of the Stone of Destiny by Ian Hamilton and his friends, and they have been retelling the story in their own words making the story sound very dramatic and exciting. We also learned about the success of Bruce's careful planning and preparations when we found out what happened at oneopf Scotland's most famous historical events, The Battle of Bannockburn.
I hope you have a lovely, relaxing weekend.
Mrs Haddow