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What a lovely week it has been, both inside and out. It was almost too hot for outdoor P.E on Monday, and I would like to thank you for your support in ensuring the children came with sun protection and water bottles.
I would also just like to mention what a wonderful adventure we had last week in our trip to North Woods. The children were a credit both to you and to the school, and they had a fabulous time. Their team work and their problem solving skills were just fantastic to watch. In writing this week, we finished our work on writing personal recounts by writing about the trip, and it is safe to say that they all reported having a great time and most of them concluded by hoping that they get to do something similar in the future. If you have not already seen it, photos of the trip can be viewed on Seesaw in the form of a short movie.
In Numeracy, we have finished our topic on information handling by looking at how graphs and tables can be presented in ways which can be misleading, and we looked at why people might choose to present graphs in these ways. 
In ICT we are making very good progress with our animations, with a focus this week on filming the characters actions well, learning the importance of small movements, lots of frames and centering the action on the screen. Next week we will work on the sound aspects before doing our final filming sessions.
Our focus this week in the John Muir Challenge was on looking after our environment, so we spent some time weeding the flower boxes in the playground - and my goodness the weeds have definitely loved all the sunshine and showers we have been having recently.
I hope you have a lovely long weekend
Mrs Haddow