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Well, I hope you managed to enjoy your two days holiday this week despite the rather wintry weather we have had. 
Despite it being a short week primary 5 have been very busy learning as always.In numeracy we have been investigating equivalent fractions, and we have been learning the rule for working these out. We will consolidate this next week, when we will be finishing off our fractions topic.
In literacy we were creating scripts for our book reviews and we are looking forward to recording these next week. We are also enjoying our new class novel. The Siege of Caerlaverock Castle, set in the times of William Wallace.
We were lucky with the weather for Field Friday today. We had fun looking for signs of new growth. We took some great photos of these and have uploaded them to Seesaw.
Some people have already posted some fabulous photos and videos of birds visiting their bird feeders. Please keep posting these, or keep recording the types of visitors that you see at them.
I hope you have a fun weekend
Mrs Haddow