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My goodness! Here we are at the end of term - and what a term it has been. We have certainly all been on quite a journey, but after two weeks back I would like to reassure you all that the children in Primary 5 have settled back in to the routine of school really well, and are engaging well in their learning. I am very impressed with how well they have coped with the transition back to school, and I know that, as parents, you have played a big role in helping this to happen. All of your efforts and hard work during that period of home learning has paid off, and I thank you for your support.
You will have noticed that there has not been as many posts on Seesaw this week as we had last week. Unfortunately we have been having issues with the class I-pad and the internet connection. I did manage to post a few yesterday, and fingers crossed we will be back up and running normally after Easter.
This week we have been learning how to calculate durations of time, and have been continuing with our Superhero theme. The children have discussed how a 'sidekick' can really help a Superhero, and this led to a  discussion about how friends can help us, and what qualities we would look for in a friend. In writing we had lots of fun writing Superhero poems using similes and onomatopoeia.
Our House day on Wednesday gave us a great opportunity to reconnect with our Houses again, and to work co-operatively on team tasks. The children all had fun coming up with and creating images that represent their house and we can't wait to see the final poster designs. 
Today we have been taking part in some Easter activities, and we also had fun trying out the various magnetic games that the class have designed and created, and giving feedback on them. Everyone had great fun with these.
I hope you have a lovely Easter break, stay safe and manage to relax and have lots of fun. Fingers crossed for some lovely Spring weather. I look forward to seeing all the children again after their well-deserved holiday.
Mrs Haddow.