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I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and healthy new year. It would seem that the children have all enjoyed their Christmas break, and time spent with family and friends.
Last term was very busy in primary 5 as we focused on learning more about The World of Work. Our Enterprise project was very successful, with our company “Snowy Surprises’ making a healthy profit of £172.41. All the children worked well in their respective roles, developing a range of skills and learning to work collaboratively. They also became more aware of their own particular strengths and interests, and possible careers that would suit these, using the My World of Work site.
This term our main topic will be Wallace and Bruce and The Wars of Independence, which will have a historical focus. We will also link this to the topic of Scottish Independence today. We hope to have a visit from the outreach team from The Scottish Parliament, and through this the class will be introduced to debating, and how the Scottish Parliament works. In numeracy we are starting off the term looking at multiplication and division. At the risk of sounding boring, please continue to practise times tables with your child at home so that they ‘know’ their tables.
We are also looking forward to performing at The Fife Festival of Music on Wednesday 30th January and hope that some of you will be able to come and watch us perform.