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Good afternoon, what a very busy week we have had in Primary 4/5. Miss Graham has been very impressed with the overall hardworking attitude and growth mindset this week! We have also discussed what to do when we are stuck in class and the boys and girls came up with a range of helpful strategies to share together.

In Numeracy, the pupils have been partitioning 4-6 digit numbers and are growing in confidence, reading, writing and understanding the value of each digit. One group have explored smaller numbers, completing work on tenths and hundredths.

This week we have used our colloboration skills to plan, design and create our helter skelter designs. The pupils have enjoyed this challenge and we look forward to finishing them and sharing our final designs next week.

We have also began our class novel, 'The Pirates in an adventure with Scientists.' This looks like a fun, action packed novel which we look forward to reading together.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Graham