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Good afternoon,
Happy New Year to everyone and welcome to term 3.  I hope everyone had a fun Christmas, and had a chance to relax and enjoy yourselves. The children have all been keen to share their favourite part of their holiday, and they seem to have had lots of fun.

This is a very short week, and next week we start on our new timetables.
Our PE days have a slight change,  with PE now being on a Wednesday and a Thursday. All children should come to school dressed in appropriate PE clothing on these days. 

Our Field Good Fridays will start next week and will be on every Friday, unless you are told otherwise via Seesaw. Children should  bring with them a set of welly boots /change of shoes, a warm, waterproof jacket and clothes that are suitable for outdoor wear. We still have a number of children not coming with suitable shoes - please be aware that as our field is at the bottom of a hill it stays very wet and very muddy for long periods of time at this time of year. Even though it has not rained for several days, it can still be extremely muddy. For this reason children should have a change of shoes with them (canvas shoes/trainers are not suitable as they get soaked very quickly).
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Haddow