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Good afternoon
It is hard to believe we are starting the last term of Primary 4 already. Primary 4 have settled into their routine really well this week, and we are looking forward to a fun term ahead. 
This week in numeracy we have been continuing with our fractions topic, and we have been learning to add and subtract like fractions - and we were happy to find out that it really is quite simple and straightforward. 
In literacy we were learning to use apostrophes to show missing letters in shortened words, and we are working really well on this so far. 
We also started our new topic on The Human Body. This is a science based topic and this week we were learning where humans get their energy from, and what they use energy for. We have also started to look at what makes humans similar, different and unique.
Throughout the week we have been having lots of fun with the game Tic Tac Toe, and it has been a big feature of our active learning.. We have been learning some fun games to use to help us practise spelling our common words - and one of them was Tic Tac Toe. We also used Tic Tac Toe to help us identify fractions. Finally we used a version of Tic Tac Toe in PE to develop our teamwork and our use of tactics.
As posted on Seesaw, our PE days will continue to be a Tuesday and a Thursday, and our Outdoor Learning day will be a Friday. Finally, our homework grids for this term will be posted on Seesaw on Monday, so please look out for these.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend
Mrs Haddow