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Good afternoon
My goodness, it has been a chilly week, and some of the children were wondering how it could be so cold but sunny at the same time. The birds have certainly been enjoying the food on the bird feeders we made last week for our RSPB Bird Watch survey which we will be completing next week.
This week we started our topic on multiplication and division. We have started with a fun times table game which is really useful for highlighting to the children which particular sums they need to practise. Ask your child how to play the 'traffic light game' as this is one that could easily be made and played at home to support your children in learning their times tables. All the children are being encouraged to practise their times tables at home and you can support your child with this. Little and often is usually the best way to do this - when travelling in the car, standing in a queue and so on. We have also been practising building and interpreting arrays using play doh, multilink cubes and dice games. The children are getting much more confident in creating and interpreting these.
In Literacy this week we have continued to work on building sentences with connectives in them - words such as and, but, because and so. The children are making good progress with this and are building longer sentences. Spelling grids were posted on Seesaw on Monday for this term, along with the spelling lists for this week - please have a look for them if you have not already done so.
We are practising hard for our performance at the Fife Festival of Music in 2 weeks time, and looking forward to performing on stage.  Information about this has been sent out, and if you are able to help out on the day please let myself know through Seesaw, or contact the school office to let them know. 
This week we were learning about keeping ourselves safe, with a particular focus on Stranger Danger. Our lesson focused on identifying what to do if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable when there is no known safe adult around. The children were encouraged to find a 'safer stranger'  or a 'safer building' and we discussed who/what these would be. During this discussion it became apparent that most of the children do not 'know' the phone number they should give to a safer stranger to allow them to get in touch with their parent. Some children have them on their mobile phones, but we discussed that phones sometimes run out of charge or get lost or broken. You may wish to discuss with your child what number they should use in such a situation, and practise it with them so that they can remember it.
I am looking forward to hearing the children recite their Scottish Poems next week - and all children should come to school prepared to perform their poems on Monday and Tuesday.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and manage to keep warm and cosy.
Mrs Haddow