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Good afternoon
My goodness, how can we be at the end of the first term of our P4 journey together already? It seems like no time at all since term started and we were all busy getting to know each other. The class have all been working and playing hard this term and I have loved getting to know them all better as individuals as term has gone on. They are a credit to all of you.
I have also enjoyed chatting with you about your children at parents evenings over the past few weeks, and would like to thank you for all the help and support you have given over this past term.
This week we have enjoyed 'plearning' in maths, as we have been learning to give and follow directions. We have been using the Beebots and the Code and Go Mice to practise giving directions, which has been good fun. It has also been a great opportunity to learn from our mistakes, linking to our home learning topic from last week of how we learn from mistakes.
We linked our work on giving directions to our Dunfermline topic, where we studied maps of Dunfermline town centre, and gave directions to get from one landmark to another. We also used our maps to learn about grid references.
In writing this week Primary 4 have been absolute stars. We have met our target for correctly using punctuation 6 days in a row, and we are looking forward to starting on another target next term. Well done everyone! What a great way to end the term.
Congratulations to Earth for winning the End of Term House Treat. The children all enjoyed the activities that they chose and had a well deserved fun afternoon.
 I hope you all a lovely holiday and find time to relax and enjoy family time together. 
Mrs Haddow