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Good afternoon,
This week Primary 4 have been working very hard to make Jeans for Genes Day a big success in Canmore. Some children have been very creative designing some wonderful posters to advertise the event, thinking carefully about what information we need to put into them. We will be putting up our posters around the school next week, so if you are in the school grounds, look out for these being displayed in windows and doorways. Other children have been very busy practising their presentations for Monday's Reconnectors, when they will be telling the school all about the Jeans for Genes charity and how we will be supporting it next Friday. Finally, those taking responsibility for IT at the Reconnectors have been practising what they need to do and when. Now we are looking forward to making this a fun event next week.
This week we have started a new approach to writing, which will run until Christmas. This involves the children doing a 'Daily Write' where they write, edit and mark their writing, and track their progress.  Our first target is to write in properly punctuated sentences, and we are working well on developing the skills needed for this approach to writing.
It has been lovely to see all the homework being shared on Seesaw and I would like to thank you for supporting your children with this. 
This week we had 10 children without indoor gym shoes. As we are heading into more unsettled weather, can I please ask that you ensure the children do come to school on a Tuesday and a Thursday with a change of shoes? I am sure you will appreciate that it is not very pleasant for classes to have to do gym on muddy, dirty floors. Many thanks for your help and support with this.
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Haddow