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Good afternoon
Well, the highlight of this week has definitely been our fantastic trip to Fordell Firs. I was a bit worried about being outdoors on such a sunny day, however, there are so many trees and shady areas at Fordell that we were able to keep out of the sun for most of the time. I was so proud of the children. They were so supportive of one another and were so encouraging and positive in their groups and teams. They all showed fantastic resilience and determination when they were faced with challenges, and so many of them were both thrilled and proud of what they achieved on the day. Of course, a very big thank you to our parent helpers who gave up their time to help on the day - it is much appreciated.
In literacy this week we have been continuing our picture stories about our little germ characters and we have been finalising our class talks about our favourite books. 
In numeracy we have been working on collecting and displaying data, and we had fun outdoors building our understanding of Venn diagrams by creating human versions. We will continue this topic next week, moving on to collecting and displaying information on graphs.
We are all finishing off our last reading books for Primary 4. Next week is our last week of homework, however some groups will not have reading homework as there is no point in starting a new book at this stage of the term. Please ask your child if they have reading homework to complete.
On that note, can I please ask that you all check at home for any reading books that have not been returned to school as we need to have them all collected in by the end of term? 
Many thanks,
I hope you have a super weekend!
Mrs Haddow