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Good afternoon,
This week we have been busy preparing for our trip to Dulloch Woods next Tuesday. Our trip forms part of the Journeying section of our Natural Connections Award, and the children have to plan, and walk, a safe route to Dulloch Woods. This involved a lot of map reading and decision making, as we had to think about where the safest ways to cross the roads were. We have now planned our route, and we wrote a set of directions for this in our writing this week. We are all now hoping for a dry day so we can set off on our adventure.
This week we have been continuing to work on telling the time. With a lot of practise we are now getting much more confident in reading clocks. 
Yesterday was Outdoor Classroom Day, so we took our PE lesson outside, and had fun playing a throwing and fielding game that helped us learn a little about greenhouse gases and climate global warming. On Friday the children chose to do art with natural materials as their main Outdoor Classroom Day activity, and they showed amaxing creativy making some lovely art work.
We said a fond farewell to Mrs Baxter on Thursday afternoon with a lovely assembly for her at the end of the day. The children all sang for her, and the choir performed for her too. It was such a lovely tribute to all her commitment and enthusiasm for teaching music at Canmore, and we wish her every happiness in her retirement.
Next Tuesday is our trip to Dulloch Woods. The children should all come to school with their water bottle, a snack, suitable outdoor shoes and a waterproof jacket. They should also bring a change of shoes to wear when we return to school (they will not have to carry them to the woods and back). Those children who have opted to bring a packed lunch from home should bring this too.