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Good afternoon
I hope you all had a lovely Easter break - the children have certainly shared a lot of their experiences and it sounds like they have had lots of fun. It was lovely to see them back on Monday and looking so smart in their uniforms, and a lot of them seem to have had growth spurts over the holidays too! It is hard to believe it is their final term of Primary 4 already - the year is just flying past. 

In literacy we have started working on our author study, which will be a focus of our work this term. Our author is Roald Dahl, so all reading groups now have a Roald Dahl novel that they are working through. This is a change from our usual reading books, and presents a little challenge for them. Once we have read one or two novels we will start work on our author study. 

In numeracy we finished our work on fractions. and we are ready to start working on our next topic, which will be time. This is a life skill and one which can be supported at home. Encourage your child to read clocks and times that they see in their environment and to read calendars. You can also chat to them about the times on the clocks in terms of how long it is until they leave for school, get their dinner, have until bedtime etc. 

This week we have been enjoying sharing our PowerPoints on Roman Gods that we created in ICT at the end of last term, and I can see that they have developed their skills in adding images, transitions and animations. Mrs Taylor also worked with our Eco-Committee rep, our deputy rep and a few others to weed and prepare our P4 planter for planting. Hopefully we will all take part in getting this planted next week.

At the moment our PE days continue to be a Wednesday and a Thursday. We hope to  have a lot of our sessions outside, weather permitting, but please ensure your children come to school on these days in their gym clothes AND with indoor gym shoes.

We will continue to have our Field Good Fridays, so children should continue to come to school with outdoor clothes, waterproofs and a change of shoes. Whilst we hope the weather will be warm and sunny, our field does take time to dry after any rain, so a change of shoes will continue to be needed. (Canvas shoes are generally not great for this as although it can be sunny, the grass can remain very wet). If, for any reason, Field Good Friday is not taking place I will let you know via Seesaw.

Our new homework grids will be posted on Monday on Seesaw, so please look out for them coming through.

I hope you have a lovely weekend

Mrs Haddow