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Good afternoon
It was lovely to speak to so many of you at our parent contact sessions this week, and I look forward to chatting with more of you on Monday.
This week we have completed our numeracy topic on division, learning to divide by ten and a hundred and to work with remainders. Next week we will start our new topic on fractions.  We will continue to practise our times tables in mental maths, and this is still something you can support your child with at home.
In literacy we have been looking closely at the format and layout of letters, and we have also been identifying the similarities and differences between formal and informal letters. Next week we will be ready to have a go at writing our own formal letters.
We are developing our digital literacy skills by using our research on Roman Gods to create PowerPoints. Over the next few sessions we will develop our skills in inserting images, and creating suitable animations and transitions.
Our week ended today with lots of fun for Red Nose Day. The children’s joke telling session produced lots of giggles and groans, and the children were very creative with their outfits.  A huge thank you to Primary 5 and Mrs Heggie for organising this and for raising money for such a worthwhile cause.
There will be no outdoor learning next week, and all children should come to school in full school uniform next Friday.
A little reminder that ALL children should come to school with indoor gym shoes on a Wednesday and a Thursday. This week the weather has meant the children’s outdoor shoes have been wet and muddy, and for health and safety reasons they cannot participate in PE with muddy soled shoes. Thank you for your support with this.
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Haddow