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My goodness, what a wonderful week it has been in Primary 4. The highlight of our week was definitely our performance at The Fife Festival of Music. Despite some nerves, I am sure those of you that were able to attend will agree, the children all gave a tremendous performance, showcasing their  fantastic singing, excellent instrument playing and brilliant signing talents. The judge was very impressed with their performance, as was I, and his comments are available for you to read on Seesaw. They should all be very proud of their efforts - I certainly am. Huge thanks to Mrs Baxter for all her hard work teaching us to be such talented performers.
This was not the only performance of the week, however, as we started off with our Scottish Reconnector on Monday. This gave us the opportunity to listen to some of the Scottish poetry and songs  presented by children from all stages of the school, and we really enjoyed listening to their recitals. Congratulations again to our four finalists and an extra special well done to our two overall winners, Eva and Naia for their brilliant efforts.
Despite all this excitement we have been very busy in other areas of our learning too. In numeracy we are continuing to practise our times tables and this week we have been learning to multiply 2 digit numbers by a single digit. We will be consolidating this learning next week. 
In our Romans topic we have been learning how the Romans kept themselves clean at the Bathouses, and we have also been learning how clever they were at designing and engineering. We are having a go at using our engineering skills, and have designed our own aqueducts to transport water. Next week we will be using our designs to build our bridges, and we are excited to test if they will work with real water.
If anyone has any empty cereal boxes they can hand in next week these would be really appreciated.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Haddow