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Good afternoon
In numeracy this week we continued learning strategies for addition. We consolidated our work on the partitioning strategy, and many of the children are now feeling really confident in using this strategy. We have now started working on the jump strategy. This is really useful  for mental addition and for finding missing numbers in sums. We have also been working in mental maths on number bonds to 100. This is something you might like to practise at home with your child.
In literacy we have been developing our understanding of verbs, and have been looking at Roald Dahl’s choice of words in our class novel. In writing we enjoyed creating interesting new Golden Ticket winners describing the characters based on their funny names – Horatio Tittletattle, Bernard Wantalot and Ada Lightfinger to name but a few.
We have started our new topic on Keeping Ourselves Safe in health and well-being. We started off by learning The Firework Code, and how to keep ourselves safe near bonfires and fireworks. The children showed good thinking skills and lots of common sense when discussing safety around the use of fireworks.
I hope that you have a fun and safe Guy Fawkes night and weekend.
Mrs Haddow