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Good afternoon
What a fantastic start to the week we had, with Mrs Kernohan telling us that Primary 4 raised the fantastic sum of  £164.40 for Jeans for Genes Day. The children were delighted with their efforts, and I was very proud of what they achieved too. Monday saw us judging the Denim Design Competition and the winners were announced this morning at Reconnecter. All in all it has been a fantastic learning experience for the class and they have taken their responsibilities very seriously.
In numeracy this week we have been learning to follow directions and we are so much more confident in this now. We have just started identifying right angles in our environment and using these to give directions. The children have really enjoyed programming the Beebots to support their learning in this.
Yesterday we had the opportunity to visit P3/4 and enjoy some discovery learning together. Some of the chldren loved meeting up with friends in the other class, and had lots of fun  playing together.
We are almost at the end of our class novel 'The Legend of Spud Murphy'. The children look forward to the next chapters with great anticipation. This week we were using the class novel as a context for developing our skills in summarising, and we have also been planning a character description of the legendary Spud that we weill write up next week.
This morning we had the excitement of the MacMillan Big Breakfast in school. A huge thank you to the Primary 6 classes who organised this, as we enjoyed having breakfast together and taking part in the fun yoga activity after. What a great start to our day!
Next week is the last week of term, so there will be no spelling lists posted on Monday, and no reading books sent home.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend
Mrs Haddow