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Today our focus in Reconnector was linked to our Social Target this week of 'I can show respect to others and my community'.  We thanked our P7 pupils and Sports Leaders for their help and support yesterday during our Sports Day.  They showed respect to their fellow pupils by ensuring everything was organised for the Sports Day and put everything away after.
Our Social target achievers this week were Freya Hunter, Amy Stones and Holly Turner, Conor Husband, Riley Smith, Mckenzie Pirouet, Katie Hanna and Lizzie Halley - Well done to them all!
We looked at the results of our Big Plastic Count surveys that each class completed last week and sent away.  We received our report which told us how much plastic we collected for one week and predicted what that could be in a year - it was quite frightening!  We also learned what would happen to our waste in this area and were shocked to find that over half of our plastic waste is not recycled but either buried in landfill or burned, creating dangerous greenhouse gases.  We didn't know that 10% of our waste is sent to another part of the world but isn't recycled there either, it is put in landfill or incinerated too.
We look forward to seeing the final report after the Summer from the whole project and what the Government will do to reduce plastics in our environment.  We hope to try to reduce our plastic use in school too.