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Happy New Year to you all. I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable break and welcome to Term 3!

As it is such a short week this week I thought I would use this opportunity to inform you of our PE and Outdoor learning days this Term. 

Our PE days remain the same as last term with PE being on a Tuesday and a Friday. All children should come to school dressed in appropriate PE clothing on these days. 

Our Fun Field Friday will also be recommencing next week and will be on every Friday, as such, children should also bring with them a set of welly boots and any other outdoor learning clothes on this day.  Could I please ask however if your child does not have a pair of wellies that they please bring with them a separate pair of indoor gymshoes or trainers as we do not wish to track in mud from outside whilst participating in PE later in the day. 

It is hopeful that in the near future we can extend our outdoor learning experience by visiting other local areas and participating in different tasks. As such we will be looking for some parent helpers to support our journeys. If you happen to be free on a Friday and are looking for an adventure please could you let me know via Seesaw. I will then be in touch to let you know if and when your support will be required, thanks in advance!   

Have a wonderful weekend 
Miss Yorkston and P3/4