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Good afternoon,

It has been a short but very jam packed week, full of fun-filled learning and excitement!

For Workshop for Literacy this week we were learning to identify the difference between Fact and Opinions. After working with our partner to sort the statements into ones that were facts and ones that were opinions, we then had a go at making our own opinion statements for a very special person in our school, Mrs Kernohan. We wrote our opinions on Stars and stuck them onto a big piece of card, we even used our knowledge of synonyms to make our opinion more exciting. Tthis page will be collated into a big retirement book which will be presented to Mrs Kernohan during a very special leavers assembly (but shhh it is very top secret, so don't tell her). We hope that she will be very flattered with our opinions and kind words about her. 

In Mathematics we completed a small block of work on perimeter. After learning about what perimeter is and how we measure the perimeter of a shape, we worked cooperatively with a partner to practise measuring perimeter with a Scoot. We had to visit stations with different shapes and using a piece of string and a ruler measure the perimeter of each shape in centimetres. We found using the string quite fiddly and after a discussion agreed that measuring each side of the shape with a ruler and adding the measurements together is a much easier and more accurate way of measuring and calculating the perimeter. 

The highlight of the week was our Sports Day Morning on Thursday. We were very grateful that the weather was kind to us and despite being very cloudy and grey looking, it remained dry!  We started Sports Day with our potted sports activities which was really good fun. We then went to do our two class races- flat running race and potato and spoon race. All of us were very well behaved and listened and followed the instructions well. We were also very supportive of our fellow Canmore Friends, cheering loudly as each class got up to do their races. We especially enjoyed the parent and teacher races. Miss Yorkston was so impressed by our levels of respect, responsibility and resilience that she award every house 150 house points. Thank you Miss Yorkston!

On Friday we used our Sports Day experience to write a recount. We began by looking at the important points of recounts and how to make it more interesting than just writing a list of what happened. 

Hope you have a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday

Miss Yorkston and Primary 3/4