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Good Afternoon,

It has been another very busy week!

In Numeracy we have started our block on division. This week we have revisited the concepts of sharing and grouping and how this relates to division. We have also revisited the idea that division is the opposite of multiplication, and discovered that if we know our times table facts really well we can work out the answers to division calculations easily. For example, knowing that 5X5=25 can help us to solve 25 divided by 5 = 5. Some of us have by focusing on developing different strategies when dividing by 2, 5 and 3. 

Our Egyptian inspired creative dance is coming together nicely and we have been working cooperatively to share our ideas and incorporate them into the dance steps. We are going to try and use our new-found persuasive powers to try and persuade Mrs Howie into letting us showcase our completed dance to you later in the term. Fingers crossed she agrees!

The highlight of the week was learning about Mummification during our IDL lessons. Through our learning we discovered that the process of Mummification is a long one, and at times not very pleasant, especially when they removed the organs and the brain. After learning about the step by step process and all the special rituals the Ancient Egyptians did throughout the Mummification process, we were intrigued to try it for ourselves. Unfortunately, Miss Yorkston said that we could NOT mummify her but that we could try the process on an apple. In pairs, we put an apple into a click and seal bag full of salt. We are going to leave the bags for 1 week and afterwards we will look at the results.

Following on from our IDL experiment, in writing we wrote the beginning of a scientific report on the Mummification of an apple. In our report we included our predictions, the equipment used and the method we followed to carry out our experiment. We look forward to completing our reports next week.

Once again, we will be visiting the woods as part of our Outdoor Learning activities next Thursday 1st June. These trips are a vital part of our Natural Connections curriculum and we need to complete a number of hours making these journeys in order to achieve our Natural Connections awards at the end of the year. However we can only go on these trips if we have the legal number of adults to children (which for our class is four adults in total)This being said if you are free to help on any Thursday afternoon. Please let me know via Seesaw before Wednesday.

Have a wondeful weekend. 
Miss Yorkston and P3/4