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Good afternoon

Can't believe it is Friday already, this week seems to have gone by quicker than last week's, and we only had four days at school!

In our workshop for literacy lessons this week we investigated Synonyms. After identifying that - a synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another word-(and not the spice you put into you mince pies at Christmas time.) we set to work trying to think of synonyms to use in a sentence instead of the words 'Big, small, nice and sad'.
Working in our table groups we discovered that our knowledge of different words that mean the same as these words was limited. Luckily Miss Yorkston preempted that this would happen and hid over 50 different synonym words around our class area. Loaded with a partner, whiteboard and pen we set off on a hunt for the synonyms. We then came back to our groups and sorted the words under the correct synonym word. We had 'huge and gigantic' for big and 'little and tiny' for small, 'lovely and beautiful' for nice and 'unhappy' and upset' for sad. We even learned some new and exciting words for example colossal, puny, magnificent and distraught.

We had a wonderful time participating in outdoor classroom day and finally planted some seeds and beautiful plants and flowers in our class planter. We also had a design a planter competition to see who could come up with the most creative design to decorate our planter and make it stand out. See our app next week to find out who the winner was.

Sadly we had our last ever music lesson with Mrs Baxter this week, but despite being very sad we had a fantastic time. Singing songs and playing musical games. On Thursday afternoon we joined the whole school in celebrating Mrs Baxter with a special assembly where we presented her with a big book full of memories, pictures and quotes and sang two songs to show our appreciation of all the hard work Mrs Baxter has put in over the years at Canmore. We are very sad to see her go but wish her all the best for the future and want to thank her for the wonderful support, encouragement and countless Music Festivals she has help us prepare for. As our songs said 'You're a star!' and 'Thank you for the music Mrs Baxter! 🌟

On a brighter note, next week we will be returning to the woods again during Thursdays Outdoor Learning afternoons. If you are available to help let miss Yorkston know by dropping her a message on the Seesaw post!

Have a wonderful weekend
Miss Yorkston and P3/4