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Good Afternoon,

It has been so lovely to meet with many of you this week to discuss the progress your child has made so far this year and I am looking forward to having the opportunity to share this further on Monday night. 

On Wednesday we received the most wonderful news. The police came by and delivered our long lost Knex. They informed us that our hard work investigating the fingerprint evidence and our wanted posters had paid off. A local resident reported seeing ‘Gangster Gina’ hiding in a near by woods and the police quickly made their arrest. Once questioned ‘Gangster Gina’ explained that the reason she had stolen our Knex in the first place was because it used to be her favourite toy growing up and she wanted to play with it again, like she did as a child. We have had a fabulous time playing with our Knex again and in a way we understand why ‘Gangster Gina’ stole it, as it is such fun, but we are glad to have it back.

The excitement doesn’t end there, as later, on Wednesday Miss Yorkston received a phone call, this time from a reporter at The Courier, asking us if we would write a newspaper article about the incident that they could print in a future edition of the newspaper.  After looking at some examples of newspaper articles and identifying the key feature, we planned and began to write our reports.

In other learning news we have been working hard on telling the time in mathematics. We have focussed on reading and writing times for quarter hours and to five-minute intervals on analogue and digital clocks and are becoming more confident in our skills to tell the time, which Miss Yorkston is very proud and happy about, as we can now keep her right with different times of the day.

We ended our week with Red Nose fun day. We all had amazing fun listening to and learning new jokes as part of the School Joke Competition.  We would like to say a special thank you to Primary 5b and Mrs Heggie for organising this for the whole school to enjoy.

Wishing you all a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend.
Miss Yorkston and P3/4