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Good afternoon

How wonderful it is to be writing this weekly update and to finally be back in class for a full week of fun, exciting and surprising learning highlights

The highlight of the week was learning about the Scottish Inventor Henry Faulds and his discovery of fingerprints. After extending our reading for information skills by reading a factual text bout Henry and answering questions to create a fact file. We had a go at taking our own fingerprints and identifying the patterns within them. We learned that each person can have up to three types of fingerprint patterns, whorls, loops and arches. We were surprised to discover that no two sets of fingerprints are the same and even the prints on our own fingers are not the same for each finger.

Following on from this learning we were shocked to come into school on Wednesday to discover that our classroom had been the victim of a serious crime. Our well-loved knex table has been destroyed and the knex has been stollen. We were all very saddened by this news but Miss Yorkston and Mrs Hay informed us that the police have been and have taken evidence to try and catch the knex thief. Miss Yorkston told the police that we had been learning all about how fingerprints can be taken to solve crimes so they asked if we would help with the investigation. The police left us the fingerprints lifted from our table and a list of suspicious suspects who are known in the area for burglary Bandit Bob, Pick Pocket Pete, Dodgy Dave, Shady Sadie, Nasty Nina and Gangster Gina . Again we looked at the patterns  of the fingerprints and came to the conclusion that.... Is the culprit.

Our next task was to create a wanted poster for.... Which we placed around our school to inform others that the thief is still out there and so that the police can find her. Fingers crossed She is found soon and our knex is returned safely.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend see you on Monday
Miss Yorkston and p3/4.