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Good afternoon,

We have been very busy this week continuing to work on our subtraction skills. We have focused on using the partitioning method when subtracting 2-digit numbers from other 2-digit numbers or 3-digit numbers. We have also used the strategy when regrouping the 10s and 1s. This would be a great activity to practice at home so check Seesaw for a video explaining this strategy as well as videos of us demonstrating our skills.

In writing we developed our poetry skills once more. This time we wrote an acrostic poem for a member of our class. We all did well to remember what a good acrostic poem looks like and wrote some fabulous poems about our classmates.
 In other literacy learning we have been learning to identify and generate alliteration. We have learned that alliteration is the repetition of the same letter or sound at the start of a series of words in a sentence for example 6 slimey snakes slithered silently. To help us develop our understanding of the writing technique we read the poem “Bleezers Ice cream’ and hunted for the examples of alliteration. We then had a go at developing our own flavour of ice-cream and tried to give them alliterative names.

We are really enjoying our block of gymnastics in PE. So far we have learned new skills in travelling, jumping, and balancing. We even practiced doing a handstand during our balancing lessons.  

On Thursday during our outdoor learning, we developed our observational drawing skills. Armed with a clipboard, paper and a pencil, we each studied one of the trees in our field and tried to draw exactly what we could see. Each of our drawings were unique in our interpretations of what we observed. We are going to keep studying our chosen tree over the seasons and record the changes that Spring and Summer bring.

Can I please remind everyone to make lunch choices on the Ipay system as the new cycle of prebooking has started this week and we still have a number of children who have not made their lunch choices before arriving at school.

Remember that next is a shorter week with Wednesday being and in-service day and Thursday and Friday being holidays. We hope you all have a well-deserved break when it comes.

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Yorkston and P3/4