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Good Afternoon,  
How can it possibly be the end of the first full week of term 1 already? We have had such a busy week of learning and are getting back to daily routines that time has just flown by.  
Our week got off to a rather positive start, with all of us eagerly wanting to share with each other, what we had learned through the homework task, about our names. We found it fascinating to discover that all our names have a special meaning, and we loved hearing each other’s.  Miss Yorkston even let us in on a very big secret by sharing her real name and the special meaning that it has too. However, we have promised that we will never share this top-secret information with anyone, so don’t even ask! We then used this information and our notes, to write several sentences and create the ‘Story Of Our Names’.  
Following on from our writing, we put our listening and artistic skills to the test as we learned to follow a series of instructions, to create a realistic self-portrait. This proved quite challenging, and required lots of focus, concentration, and perseverance, but the results were fabulous and the resemblance uncanny! We have used our portrait along with our ‘Story Of Our Names’ writing to create a wonderful classroom display (please see photo above).  
On Thursday we brought home our first reading book of P3/4 to share with you. This term our reading homework will be issued every Thursday and should be returned to school on the following Monday. This will ensure that Miss Yorkston can sort through our folders and give us a new book if required for the week.  
Finally, the highlight of the week was our “Fun Field Friday’ outdoor learning afternoon. We all had a great time re-exploring our field area and its hidden secrets. We can’t wait for next week when we can go outdoors again.  
We hope you have a lovely weekend  
Miss Yorkston and P3/4