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We have had a busy week with our final preparations for the Christmas Fayre and using this Enterprise experience to learn how to write instructions and how profit works from resources to selling.
In Numeracy this week, we have been looking at subtraction with 2 and 3 digit numbers, using different methods e.g, the empty number line.  In Mathematics we have also looked at different angles whilst making some reindeer tree decorations.
In Literacy, we have been looking at adverbs and instructional writing whilst also focusing on our spelling patterns.
Our board games are coming along and last week, we shared the progress we had made so we are now working on the construction and testing of these!
We hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas Fayre as we had great fun making the items to sell.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and a speedy recovery for Miss Yorkston too as we miss her!
Kind regards
Primary 3/4 & Mrs McIntosh