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Happy Friday News Time P3/4

This week some P6/7& 7s joined their P3/4 friends in the classroom and it has been wonderful to see their interactions.

It has been a very 'Viking themed' week as the children prepare to welcome you to showcase their learning.  Lots of information posters, creative models and art completed and the children having been working with a focus that reflects their interest in this topic! Long boats, Long houses, shields, runes and dens have been created during outdoor learning and I hope your child has really enjoyed themselves.

In our gym sessions we held the Canmore P3/4 Champions League tournament and all children showcased their talents playing a series of mini-football games. I'm certain the children will tell you it was exhausting but fun!

A highlight this week was of course World Book Day Pyjama Day and it was great to see everyone reading and enjoying a good book. Lots of books of were kindly donated by families and we received a massive donation from Better World Books, Dunfermline to ensure every child in the school had a preloved book to read for the event. We used this day to learn about different authors, genres, and discovered everyones favourite book which we linked to our maths and tally marking. Please ask your child to tally mark things in the home e.g how many things in the kitchen are white? etc

Many parents were up to the challenge of our spelling tasks - did you find all the words in your child-made wordsearch ???  You can find your child's work on SEESAW - Good luck! Some have made them really tricky!

Congratulations to Matheus who has been my helpful assistant this week and received the social target award. It was an absolute delight to see how organised and independent the Primary 3 and 4 children are. Miss Graham will be back next week and she will be so proud of the class for their efforts.

Happy weekend!
Mrs Watt, P6/7 & P3/4