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Good afternoon,

It was lovely to get the opportunity to meet with some of you on Tuesday during our Parent Contact and share in your childs progress. I look forward to meeting more of you next week on Monday and Wednesday.

Our Outdoor Learning today was definitely one of the highlights of the week. We had a wonderful morning helping Cristin from the Fife Coastal and Countryside Trust with local conservation efforts at Rex Park . I was very proud to see all pupils using team work skills and cooperation to complete the tasks assigned to them. We also enjoyed the walk down the Rex Park and both the journey and conservation work will help us in our efforts to achieve the Natural Connections Gold Award.  

Another highlight was Red Nose Day which we also recognised on Friday. We had such fun participating in some of the activites P5 had planned for us including guess the teddy's birthday and Canmore's Joke Competition. Thank You P5 for organising a super day! 

In Numearcy, we have been working on building our understanding on Multiplication. We have focused our learning on using and understanding the different vocabulary of multiplication including, lots of, groups of, multiplied and times. We also learned about arrays and how they can support us in answering multiplication questions.  Lots of pupils have been demonstrating great skills in their times tables with quicker recall and impressive mental maths abilities. There is still room for improvement across multiplication tables and it is important that we are completing the suggested mental maths activities on the Seesaw homework grid to continue to consolidate our understanding of the 2, 5, 10, 3 and 4 times tables. 

This week we were introduced to our new class novel however before finding out the title, we used the front cover to make some predictions about the main character such as, Who were they, what were they called, what were they like as a person. We also had a go at predicting what the title of the novel could be and had some wonderful examples including; The Greatest Viking Who Ever Lived, The Viking Kid and the Gruesome Battle and my personal favourite, Maggie, The Nicest Viking. However we were soon to discover that the title was infact 'Throfinn the nicest Viking and the Awful Invasion. So far we are enjoying reading/listening to this novel and even used it as a stimulus for our Writing this week when we imagined that we were a Viking and entered Thorfinn's world and recounted what we saw and experienced. please see Seesaw for examples of our writing and Miss Yorkston's comments and feedback. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend 
Miss Yokston and P3