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Good Afternoon, 

What a very busy week we have had this week with some super learning experiences. 

In Literacy we continued to look at the writing techniques of thought bubbles and speech bubbles; this week focusing on the use of speech bubbles to highlight when characters in a text are speaking. After looking at the comic 'Garfield'  to help us identify examples of speech bubbles being used in text, we then had a go at writing our own speech bubbles for some of the characters from the story 'The Dinosaur That Discovered Hamburgers'. In our writing lesson, once again we created a comic, to retell the story using speech bubbles. 

In Spelling this week, the majority of us were learning to spell words with the 'Long a, ay' sound pattern. Through our lesson we deepened our understanding of the spelling rule for this spelling pattern (ay is a word suffix, therefore if a word has the Long a sound at the end of the word it will usually be spelled with an 'ay') A small group of us were learning to spell CVC and CVCC words with the 'ot' word family and using these words in our sentences. Thank you to those who have continued to develop their spelling learning at home by completing the weekly spelling homework posted on Seesaw. 

In Numeracy we continued our learning on multiplication and division, this week developing our undersatnding of multiplication as repeated addition. e.g. if I have 5 groups with 5 in each, that is the same as saying 5 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5= 25. We also again reinforced our times tables. The majority of us are now very confident in reciting our 2 times table facts and can even recite these out of sync. We have now turned our attention to the 5 times table and have been participating in our daily ten mental maths games to help us gain the same confidence, keep practising these times tables at home to gain greater confidence. 

Our topic lessons this week firstly had us learning more about the Viking period and some of the key events that happened during this time. We learned that the Viking period started in 793CE when the vikings first travelled to Britain and ended in 1100CE when they were finally driven out of Scotland. Our second lesson of the week had us learn all about Viking longships. On Friday afternoon we participated in a STEM lesson where we created a model replica of a Viking Longship. Please see Seesaw for videos and pictures of us hard at work. 

Looking forward to next week on Thursday 7th, we will be celebrating World Book Day. On this day we have invited the children to come to school dressed in their pyjamas. We will also be hosting a World Book Day book swap, so ask if your child has any books that they no longer enjoy reading or would like to simply donate. Please send these in with your child on Monday or Tuesday. Throughout the week we will be participating in a number of World Book Day webcasts with many different Authors and we can't wait to learn more about what being an author entails. 

Have a wonderful weekend 
Miss Yorkston and P3