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Good afternoon,

WOW what another quick and super busy week. It feels like Monday was only yesterday!

We have been continuing to learn about the place value of numbers in our Numeracy lessons and most of us are becoming more confident with partitioning numbers using hundreds, tens and ones. We have also been enjoying some active maths activities to support us in our learning of larger and smaller numbers.  On Friday we developed on our learning from last week about right and left directions to include turns. We learned the terminology clockwise and anti-clockwise as well as half quarter and full turns. We went outside to play ‘Miss Yorkston Says…’ to practise these skills.

We hope you have enjoyed the videos and pictures of our progression In Tennis, during our PE lessons. Week by Week we are learning different skills needed to be successful tennis players.

With the weather being lovely and warm this week we used that to our advantage and went outside for our IDL lessons. On Tuesday this week we conducted an experiment to understand how the position of the sun in relation to the earth can affect the weather. We were surprised to discover that our thinking that the sun moves in the sky is in fact WRONG! It is actually the Earth that moves, once a day it turns on its axis and that is how we get day and night, but once a year it moves completely around the sun which gives us our seasons and weather. We also went outside on Friday to do a spot of cloud hunting.  We learned that there are three main cloud types; Cirrus, Cumulous, and stratus. Each cloud is responsible for different weather types.

On Monday we were introduced to our spelling patterns for the week, with most of us learning to spell words with the ‘-ack’ sound and some spelling words using the ‘at’ sound. You will also see that I have posted a spelling grid which has a selection of activities for pupils to choose one each week to complete with their spelling words which are also posted on Seesaw under the activities section on the app. On Wednesday we were issued with our homework grid. There are 8 activities on the grid from all aspects of the curriculum. Please allow your child to select one task to complete per week and post your work on Seesaw for Miss Yorkston to see. This can be a picture of your written work, a video or a photograph of you completing the task.  A copy of this grid can be found on your child’s Seesaw journal page.

Finally, could I please put a wee reminder that weekly reading homework will be issued each Wednesday and should be returned the following Monday. Please read ONLY the pages marked in the reading record sheet, so that your child can keep to the same part of the story as their group. If you wish to support your child in reading more, please feel free to read other stories and books at home, as this will widen their vocabulary and grow their confidence reading.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Miss Yorkston and P3