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Good afternoon,

What a fabulous first full week of term. We will no doubt be feeling very tired after a busy week of learning, however Miss Yorkston is incredibly proud of the levels of enthusiasm and positivity displayed by each of us.

This week we have been settling into our school routines. After reading the story ‘Our class is a family’ and revisiting the Canmore Values, we set about creating our Class Charter. This includes the promises we have made to keep our classroom a safe, fun and happy place to be. We also linked our promises to the UN Rights of the Child. 

We have focused our health and wellbeing this week on our feelings/emotions. We read the book 'The Colour Monster' which reminded us of some of the feelings we might have daily and the important message that everyone has these feelings sometimes and that it is okay to have these. We will have daily opportunities to share our feeling and emotions through our daily check-in board and will continue to work together to talk about strategies that can help us to regulate our emotions.

In literacy and numeracy, we have been doing some little assessments to see how much we have remembered from last year. We have also started our reading again and Miss Yorkston was impressed by our fluency when reading aloud in our groups. We have brought our reading books home tonight for the weekend to share with you and should return these on Monday.

The Highlight of the week was our Tennis lesson with a coach from Dunfermline Tennis Club. We had a lot of fun developing our hand/eye coordination, throwing and striking skills, so much so that we will continue to develop these skills over the next few weeks.

We hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend and a well deserved rest. See you all on Monday for another fun-filled week.
Miss Yorkston and P3