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Good afternoon to you all.

We have been reinforcing our place value skills in Numeracy as well as counting in 2's, 3's and 4's.

The children are learning about adverbs and are reinforcing this with our homework tast this week.

Our Bounce Back session was about our responsibilities and the children were really good at discussing our story about Horton Hatches the Egg. Who was right ,Horton or Mayzie? I'm sure your child will tell you who they think was in the right. 

Our Queen mascots are on their way to Canmore Lodge Care Home and we have had a lot of compliments about how good they looked. Well done P3 for great cutting and folding skills. 

Due to the wet weather, we were in the hall this week  for PE and the children really enjoyed taking part in the Bugs Yoga session we did. Very good concentration skills were on view. 

We did go outside for our Natural Connections and the rain didn't stop us but the wind was so strong it blew away our pots, seeds and other resources, so we completed the activity indoors. 

It was great to see the parents who were able to attend our Sports Day. The weather definitely wasn't its best but thankfully it didn't stop us. Well done to all of P3 for their good sportsmanship throughout the afternoon. 

We made tornadoes in a bottle on Monday. I hope you have enjoyed looking at the videos of the children playing with them. 

We made beautiful tornado pictures using dark and light shading skills. I will upload pictures on Seesaw.

Our science was very exciting due to us making snow.... we used 1/2 cup fabric softener and 3 cups baking soda to create our own special snow. The children really enjoyed playing with it. 

Have a great weekend... hopefully with no rain!
Miss Shearer