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Good afternoon to you all.

What a quick week it has been!

We are working on time in our Numeracy and have looked at o'clock, half past and quarter to/past. The children have taken part in what they can achieve in a second or minute.

The children were looking at the importance of Honesty through our Bounce Back session. We used the story of Pinocchio to help us understand why lies can only make things worse.

We are very excited to have Finn Frog come to join us this term. He is so excited that he is getting to go home with the children to look at what our local environment looks like. Finn is very concerned that his habitat is being spoiled by pollution. He was really excited that we learned about the life cycle of a frog.

The children have written a lovely colours poem for our Big Writing session. They really thought of how to describe a colour without actually saying what the colour was.

We had lots of fun for our Natural Connections session on Wednesday with the children doing tree rubbings and then rolling down the big hill in the field. We then laid back and looked at the clouds to see what we could see. What a variety of shapes were in the clouds ranging from flamingos, dogs, pyramids to a space ship that was going to transport us up and take us away to some other planet! What a great way to stimulate their imaginations. I have photos that I will upload shortly onto Seesaw.

We finished our Spring Flowers art work that will complement our poems on a wall display.

Any junk modelling materials would be greatly appreciated.

I hope you all have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend and that the weather stays nice.

See you all on Tuesday.
Miss Shearer