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Good afternoon,

It is so nice to see a bit of sunshine and hopefully it will last for the weekend!

The children are continuing to work on fractions and are looking at ... 2/4 is the same as 1/2 as an introduction to equivalent fractions.

We are continuing to develop our written skills by adding different openers, adjectives and beginning, middle and ending to our stories. We have had fun exploring synonyms (words that mean the same or nearly the same) 

Our class novel, 'A Mummy Ate My Homework', is very exciting and the children are enjoying listening to it as much as I am enjoy reading it. It does contain lots of factual information and is a great way to learn about Ancient Egypt.

In literacy, we have used the ss or zz endings to words.

It has been great fun to celebrate Red Nose Day today. It was lovely to have the classroom ablaze with bright, cheerful colours. I have really enjoyed the Talent Show and I am very impressed with the children's confidence in performing in front of others.  I hope they enjoy eating their cakes as much as they enjoyed making them.

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Shearer