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Good afternoon everybody.

What a snowy end to our week!

We have been uplevelling our sentences by adding exciting words in them and using different openers to create a more creative piece of writing. 

In our Big Writing this week, we worked on settings. The children had to look carefully at their picture and write about what they saw. They are also working on adding adjectives to make their stories more exciting for the reader. 

We have started fractions in numeracy and are exploring quarters, halves and whole numbers. They were quite surprised to learn that the bigger the number at the bottom of fraction, the smaller piece they get! 

We are using our research skills to find out more information about the Ancient Egyptians. We have made a model of a sarcophagus and mummy that we will bring home soon.(don't be too frightened!) 

We have looked at mummification and are in the process of mummifying a tomato to see what happens to it in the coming weeks. 
Our P7 Tech Team are teaching us how to use a new app Chatterpix. The children will upload their short videos when they have completed them.