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What a busy week we have had! Sadly Miss Shearer was unable to be in school this week but we have been working hard so she would be very proud of us.
In Numeracy this week, we looked at tally marks and how to show information on a bar graph.
In Literacy, we wrote a letter to Santa to tell him about ourselves.  We had to make sure we used Capital letters, full-stops, finger spaces and we tried to use some adjectives.
In our project work, we looked at old and new transport and drew some to compare how they are different now.
On Wednesday we had our party, we played Musical Corners, had a Dance Competition, Santa Says and Pass the Parcel.  It was great fun! We watched a film in the afternoon as a special party treat. We also had Christmas lunch and a Christmas story with Mrs Ewing.
On Thursday, we got to 'meet' with Miss Shearer via Teams and sang her our class Christmas song. We have filmed our Christmas message so look out for that coming soon!