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Good afternoon everybody.

It is hard to believe that we are so close to December. 
We have continued to work on our division skills with the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and are challenging ourselves to increase our speed and accuracy.

Our Big Writing was a trip on a Magic Carpet. The children really used their imaginations to take them to some really exciting places including USA, China, Russia, Candyland and Chocolate World amongst some of the destinations. It was lovely to see all the children writing with real enthusiasm.

We are continuing to work on Key Spelling strategies and the homework words are connected to the work we are doing in class. Please return all homework and reading on Mondays at the latest as reading books are changed on Mondays and I mark homework on Tuesday mornings.

We explored a variety of genres of music on Thursday by listening to Beat Box, Hip Hop and signed along to the Hello song as well as looking at rhythm.

We completed our angel wings that are going to be put on display in the Kingsgate from the 11th December. Lots of glitter and sparkle!

We had great fun making paper and tin foil boats and then tested them to see if they floated. The tin foil ones were the clear winners. 

For Art we made a lovely lolly stick framed sea picture that will go up as a wall display. I will share a photo once it is completed.

Have a great weekend.
Miss Shearer