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Good afternoon everybody and a very big welcome to P3.
It has been so good getting to know the P3 children and really special to have the four children from my last years class. They are settling in so well to a new area and new routines. I hope you can see their happy faces that I have uploaded onto Seesaw.
We have completed a variety of getting to know you activities this week. I am impressed with their good manners and the respect they show each other. I can definitely compliment their tidying up skills. I hope they are as good at home!
We did complete a formal piece of writing about Miss Fox. I hope they have shared their ideas with you at home. I can assure you that I am nothing like Miss Fox and will not eat your children!
Our P.E days are Wednesday and Thursday so the children are allowed to come to school wearing their PE kits. We do go outside so please have a hoodie on chillier days.
I wish you all a happy and restful weekend.
Miss Shearer