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Books, Books, Books! With the lead up to World Book on Thursday this week we have had books and reading on the brain. Each day this week we have been engaging in live author webchats through Scholastic Schools.

On Monday we were introduced to the magical world of Ghana with author Bernard Mensh as he spoke about and read a snippet from his book 'Kwame's Magic Quest'. We were all intrigued to learn a little about Ghanian culture and heritage and were desperate to read more. We also loved having the oppotunity to ask Bernard questions. 

On Tuesday we tapped into the power of mind control with author Helen Rutter as she shared with us her book 'Reggie Hauser has the power'. We thought if we were to have the power of mind control what would we do? We had some fantastic examples from, controlling our parents to saying yes to eveything we wanted, to control world famous footballers to come to Canmore and play football with us and even making a few of our friends and siblings act like different animals!  

'Rise of the Zombie Pigs' by Emily-Jane Clark, was the title of our third new book on Wednesday this week. During her webchat Emily-Jane had us think and design our own zombie beasts. Please see Seesaw for our truely terrifying efforts. 

World Book Day on Thursday was truly wonderful. We had a fantastic time celebrating this special day dedicated to books and reading. After finishing reading our class novel 'The Magic Faraway Tree' by Enid Blyton, we become authors ourselves and created our own stories in the form of a comic. We used all of our learning about speech bubbles and thought bubbles to create our own comic based on a magical adventure in a new land. 
  We also joined our last author/Illustrator Sarah Bowie for a live draw-along webchat. We learned lots about the exciting word of being an illustrator and Miss Yorkston thinks that we have a few budding illustrators in our classroom. Each of us even chose a new book to take home and share with you from our wonderful book swap,

Of course we did participate in other learning expereinces, please see Seesaw for examples of this learning. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend, hopefully Miss Yorkston's mind control powers will work and the weather will stay sunny and dry this weekend. 

Miss Yorkston and P3