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Good afternoon everybody.

I can't believe we are at the end of Term 1. It has flown by so fast.
We completed our Money topic this week by counting 2p, 5p and 10p coins. The children have been introduced to giving change.

We have made little story books in our Big Wriitng slot and the children chose their own theme for their book. There was a lot of good discussion about what they would include.

The highlight of the week was their marble runs. We planned by thinking about what resources they would need and drew plans to follow. It was great to watch them working together to problem solve things that weren't going to plan and how they could overcome these problems. They were all really on task and showed such great enthusiasm.  There was a lot of mess but they really worked well to tidy up and left the area spotless!

For Art we have made Autumn trees using our hands/arms for the trunk and fingertip leaves. They will make a lovely wall display.

I hope you all have a lovely October break and I look forward to seeing all the children refreshed and relaxed ready to start Term 2.

Miss Shearer