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Good afternoon everybody.
I can't believe how quickly the weeks are flying by!
A lot of the children are developing a play about the Gingerbread Man during their Discovery Learning slots. They are working on cooperation, taking turns and listening to others' points of view. It is good to hear their excitement and to observe their enthusiasm as they are learning how to put on a production.
We are continuing to work with money but I noticed that they needed to develop their counting in 2's, 5's and 10's skills so we have been working on this to ensure they can count coins quickly and accurately.
We practised our handwriting with the letter G/g ensuring the lower case letter goes below the line.
Can I ask that all reading books are returned by Monday mornings please as the books are changed on Monday evening?
The children have used Sumdog maths and Teach Your Monster to Read in our IT slots and they are really enjoying using both these sites.
We used our drama slot this week to discuss how to organise a play and how to audition for parts.
In phonics, we looked at the magic 'e' with i.... it changes from its sound to its name. 
We now have a really nice wall display with pictures of toys from the past and present day toys. They have made some really nice pictures to brighten up our area.
In Big Writing they re-told the story of Chicken Licken. They were allowed to choose their ending...did the fox eat them all or did they get away... I think most of them chose to let the fox eat all the characters!
The children enjoyed making wooden spoon people today. I hope you like them.
I look forward to talking to you on Parent Evening telephone interviews starting next week to share how your child has settled into P3.

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Shearer.