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The boys and girls in primary three have started the term with a super positive attitude and have been working hard all week.

The children have listened to, and discussed, a story about halloween potions. They then used the story as a stimulus for drama and acted out collecting different items to put in a magic potion. On Wednesday they used some of these ideas to write a magic potion recipe. Their ideas were fantastic. There were potions for shrinking people, turning them into a cat and making people more smart. The ingredients they had thought about were even more interesting and yucky! These included slimy, stinky frog guts, a mouldy, minging dragon's tooth and fourteen warts from a witche's nose!

Mrs Greig and I have also noticed that the children are getting very good at using their taught spelling strategies to make their spelling more accurate. Well done to the boys and girls.

In maths the children have been learning about estimating numbers on a number line, rounding to the nearest ten, counting in twos and finding the value of digits in numbers. Next week will be the last week of place value work for the moment and the children will be moving on to focus on other areas of maths such as addition, information handling and position and movement.

At gym, the children were practising walking and moving a ball in different ways. Ideas included bouncing and catching, rolling the ball on the floor or round our bodies, dribbling the ball and throwing and catching it. The class also practised a chest pass throw.

Gym day is now a Tuesday and a Wednesday.

Our topic this term is Toys.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Mrs Thomson