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Good afternoon.

Primary Three have had another busy week. The children have completed a short maths assessment on place value which has helped Mrs Greig and I to identify next steps and plan lessons appropriately.

The children have also completed a short spelling test. Mrs Greig and I willl use the results to plan which spelling patterns the children need to learn this year.

For art this week the children practised their sketching skills. They copied some of the illustrations from the Charles Mackesy book 'The Boy. the Mole, The Fox and The Horse.' At first they were worried it would be too tricky but once they got started the children really enjoyed the lesson and were pleased with their efforts.

For topic this week the children discussed how weather can affect our daily life and the activities we choose to do. They also learned about the different seasons and how the weather changes in line with the different seasons.The children drew a picture to illustrate each seasons.

The children have started their reading books this week and we will be working on comprehension skills as well as word attack skills over the term.

During writing this week the children watched a video clip of the story 'The Way Back Home.'  They then had to use what they had seen to write their own version of the story.

A wee reminder that the children are allowed to come to school in their outdoor gym kit on Monday and Tuesday. It would be a good idea to put a change of socks and your child's school shoes in their school bag in case their feet get wet from the field.

The children's homework for the term has been posted on Seesaw.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Kind regards, Mrs Thomson