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This week in Primary Three we finished our Maths topic on subtraction. We looked at the link between addition and subtraction, completed assessments or check-ups and completed concept boards. Next week, we are moving on to working with money.

In Literacy, the children were learning to take notes about Egyptian farming. They had to think of questions they would like answered. For example, what food did they grow or what animals did they keep? They then had to highlight their answers in the text and the highlighted words became their notes. The children then used their notes to write a report on Egyptian farming. Some of the reports will be added to our class display boards.

Our Art activity this week, was to sketch an Egyptian scarab beetle. We used a video turorial to help us. The results were amazing and have been shared on Seesaw. On Friday, we coloured the beetles in.

In Project, the class made an Egyptian cartouche of their name. They also wrote about the results of their mummification experiment. We found out that the apple had dried up but had not rotted because there needs to be moisture for something to rot.

The class are all looking forward to sharing their learning next Thursday afternoon. It would be lovely to see you there if you can make it.

Kind regards, Mrs Thomson