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This week in Literacy, we have been continuing to focus on being more accurate with capital letters and full stops in our writing. We have also been learning about what a verb is and how to use them in sentences.

In Maths, the children have been learning to add/subtract in jumps of 10 and 100. Some children have found this tricky and have been introduced to concrete materials to support their understanding.

In P.E this week, the children have been working hard on new yoga poses. They have also been given the opportunity to further practise their jumping skills on the apparatus. I was amazed to see so many fantastic pencil, star, tuck, one foot and two feet jumps! The children's attitude in P.E was also exemplary this week.

In our Project work, most of the children had the opportunity to share their weather forecasts with Mrs Greig or myself. They demonstrated confidence when standing in front of their audience of classmates. The rest of the children will present next week.

For Art this week, the children designed a Christmas card. This design will be sent away, printed and made into packs of cards that you will be able to buy should you wish to.

Next week is the start of the parent interviews. Mrs Greig and I look forward to meeting you all. We will be discussing your child's strengths, development needs and ways we will be supporting your child.

Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Thomson