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Good afternoon.

P3 have continued to amaze Mrs Greig with their positive attitude towards running club. They enjoyed the challenge of adding in some skipping skills this week. Everyone is having success as they improve their fitness on a weekly basis.
Mrs Greig has also begun a block on healthy eating and the children have been sharing information about healthy foods and meals that they know about.
Everyone has continued to work on division skills in Maths this week. Some children have been working on dividing by 5 and others dividing by 3. There has been lots of opportunity to use materials to act out the problems and the children have also been able to use their whiteboards to draw pictures of the problems. I am noticing that many of the children are now able to count up in twos and fives quite confidently. Practising their 3 and 4 times table, and counting in 3's and 4's, will help support the children when they beging to divide by 3 or 4 next week. 
Our Writing and Project were linked this week. Mrs Greig introduced the children to the topic of Egyptian Kings. I then showed the children how we could research the project further so we could write a report. Together we recorded what we already knew and then the children came up with questions about Kings of Egypt that they would like answered. They were then shown how to look for the information in Project books, using the contents and the index. They were also shown how to use an internet search engine. In groups, the children researched the answers to as many of the questions as they could and this was all shared onto a class plan. Finally, the children were able to write a report using the shared class. Ask your child about what they have learned.
In Art, the children drew pictures of King Tutankhamun's death mask. The results were fantastic . They will be put on the wall along with their Egyptian Kings reports and their pyramid pictures. I will post a picture of the finished display on Seesaw when it is completed.
Monica, the teacher for the deaf, visited on Wendesday and introduced the chidren to the signs for different foods. Many of the children have taken a real interest in what they are being taught and impress Monica with how many signs they are remembering.
I hope you all have a pleasant weekend and the children have a well deserved rest.

Kind regards,
Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.