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Good afternoon everyone.
We have had another busy and fun week in P3.
In Music, the children were using drum sticks and were learning how to keep the beat to different pieces of music.
On Wednesday, the children used their collage pirate picture and notes to write a character description. Many children wrote detailed descriptions and were very careful with their punctuation. The descriptions are going to be displayed on the wall of the classroom beside their collage pictures. Next week the children will write an adventure for their pirate.
In Maths this week, the children were learning the 5 times table and also how to solve multiplication word problems. We looked at the pattern in the answers to the 5 x table, looked at making arrays, counted forwards and backwards in fives and practised chanting the tables. The children doing this work would benefit from practising their 2, 5 and 10 times table at home to consolidate their learning.
We celebrated World Book Day yesterday and today. The children got to take part in a live broadcast from a real life author called Emily Dodd. They had to help her solve a crime that had happened in her book called 'Crime Squirrel Investigators - The Naughty Nut Thief.' They also got to join in with a squirrel song and woodpecker rap which had actions too. Everyone had great fun. 
Today we looked closely at an illustration from the World Book Day book 'Gigantosaurus.' The children had to work together to see what they could learn, inference or predict about the story just from using the illustration. We had a super discussion. I then read the story and the children got to see if their ideas were correct. 
It was super to see the children dressed up and also seeing them so engaged in the activities. 
I wish you a lovely weekend.  

Kind regards,
Mrs Greig & Mrs Thomson