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Good afternoon everyone.

Our Weather project this week focused on the wind. The children learned what the wind is and how wind speed/direction is measured. They made wind socks and, if you have a compass on your phone, the children can work out which direction the wind is coming from and the direction it is blowing towards. We talked about how if the wind is blowing from the North then it will bring cold weather and if the wind is blowing from the South it will bring warmer weather.  The children made kites during Art as this linked with our wind focus.

For Writing this week, the children wrote Autumn senses poems. Some children were able to include similes, onomatopoeia and alliteration in their poems. Lots of children were able to use interesting adjectives and verbs.

In Maths, the children have been looking at ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc), counting in steps of 3, 4, 5 and working on number skills within 20.

The children continued to work on the skill of 'reading ahead for meaning' during Reading Time and also on sequencing events in a story.

The children have worked really hard this week and deserve their weekend.

Kind regards
Mrs Thomson & Mrs Greig